Friday, February 28, 2014

Cultural Understanding Of Latino Students With Diverse Experiences

Pedro Noguera points out the different needs within the diverse Latino community and encourages educators to find the patterns that can be identified to help parents feel a sense of trust in the school’s educators in order to encourage a partnership. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Immigration, Executive Orders, And Latino Education

Although President Obama issued a moratorium on deporting undocumented individuals without criminal records, Pedro Noguera discusses how Latino students are challenging the INS to enforce the President’s Executive Order. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Latino Education & Success Stories

Success stories of high performing Latino centers of education are shared as Pedro Noguera lists the five factors that these support systems have in common. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

National Latino Heritage Month And Latino Education

The role that National Latino Heritage Month plays in education leads Pedro Noguera to share some of the benefits that students experience when they are introduced to accurate information that often goes missing from classroom history books. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Parental Involvement & Latino Education

The role of parental involvement is at the heart of this discussion. Pedro Noguera shapes the conversation by defining successful parental involvement. Successful parental models and healthy pressures to hold schools accountable are also explored. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Resources For Understanding Latino Education

Pedro Noguera sheds light on resources that could help educators by providing rich examples of authors whose books provide great readings in the area of Latino education. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Strategies To Meet Unique Needs Of Latino Students

Affirming Latino students, cultivating a desire to learn, and showing support are just a few of the subjects covered by Pedro Noguera as he expands the conversation on the unique needs of the Latino students. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Common Core & Latino Education

While addressing the government’s involvement in supporting school reform for Latino students, Dr. Pedro Noguera highlights the common core standards of policy reform and their effects. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Language And Cultural Barriers

Bridging the socio-cultural gap between bilingual students and their teachers is explored as Dr. Pedro Noguera discusses the crucial points for educators attempting to reach students who are acquiring a second language. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Latino Student College Readiness

The conversation regarding how the Latino student population throughout the nation will be tested to determine their readiness for the future ensues as Dr. Pedro Noguera argues that the government has not shown the ability to adapt policies to the needs of particular students. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Latino Students & Testing

Dr. Pedro Noguera urges listeners to identify schools that are serving Latino students and English language learners in particular, and to use those institutions as models so that educators from other areas can emulate to prepare these students for the next level of higher learning. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Media Attention & Latino Education

Dr. Pedro Noguera engages a caller as he points out the disparities in media coverage pertaining to the Latino community. He discusses the lack of media attention outside of Latino Heritage Month. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Teacher Training & Progressive Education

Dr. Pedro Noguera suggests how taking a more constructive approach of providing teachers with background information to make them more familiar with the student will resolve resentment and socio-cultural tension in the classroom. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.

Test Preparation For Critical Thinkers

Dr. Pedro Noguera urges educators to focus on providing students with a well-rounded education that includes the arts and some form of physical activity as part of equipping Latino students with the tools to “pass the test”. Local educators, parents, and community members shape the discussion with questions that matter.